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How to stop your cat from meowing constantly at you.

Does your cat’s meowing seem incessant? Cats meow for lots of reasons from simply being bored to being famished. It’s their way of communicating with us humans.

Learning how to distinguish the different meow sounds will provide insight on how to respond, especially if you’re dealing with a highly vocal feline.

Some breeds are just more vocal than others, like Siamese cats, which are known as great “talkers.” To figure out how to quiet an excessive meower, you need to understand why they’re “talking” in the first place. There’s almost always an underlying reason for incessant meowing. You just have to listen when your cat “talks.”

Cats meow because:
  • They don’t feel well. If your cat is disinterested in his food or shies away from playing, he could be sick. If the meowing is a new behavior, a trip to the vet is probably a good idea. Excessive meowing could be a sign of certain illnesses like an overactive thyroid or a bladder infection.
  • There’s an issue with the litter box. If a cat is unable to access her litter box, she may be asking for help. Maybe the door to the room that houses the litter box has gotten closed by accident. She’ll let you know if she’s unable to reach it. A dirty litter box might also be a reason your feline is upset, leading her to express her frustration with constant meowing. Be sure the litter box is accessible, and scoop it out if necessary.
  • They are hungry. When your kitty is hungry, which is typical while you’re still very much asleep, he will let you know with a bout of meows that only wane when he gets his way. If your cat, however, is trying to rouse you in the middle of the night for a snack, absolutely do not give in to his unreasonable whims. Jackson Galaxy, a cat behaviorist and host of the TV show “My Cat from Hell,” says by no means should any unwanted behavior be rewarded. To get your cat to stop meowing for food in the middle of the night, Galaxy recommends playing with the cat in the evening to wear him out before bed, and then feeding your cat after playtime. He calls it the “hunt, catch, kill, and feed” method. Giving in to an unwanted behavior will only exacerbate the problem. Instead, give it 10 days to two weeks to re-establish a more acceptable routine. “If there’s something in it for them, they’ll keep doing it,” Galaxy says. “Extinguish the behavior by making no reward. Takes time and consistency.”
  • They want your undivided attention. Dish out attention only when your kitty is quiet. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for feeding your attention-seeking cat’s obsession if she’s using excessive meowing to motivate you. If you spend quality time daily with your kitty, you can avoid creating an attention-starved companion who will lay into you with excessive meowing. Refrain from punishing your cat for meowing, which will only lead them to dislike or mistrust you.
  • It’s their way of saying “hi!” Cats will generally greet their human companions when they arrive home for the day. The meowing is simply a greeting to let you know they’re glad to see you! Take time to acknowledge your kitty and give her some affection.
  • They’re stressed. If something has changed in your cat’s environment, such as a new baby, a move or a new animal, your cat might be expressing his rebellion to change with loud meowing. Experts suggest you give your kitty extra love and interaction to reassure him during the transition.
  • They’re in heat. When a female cat is in heat, she becomes quite vocal. Males will start up the yowling as well when they detect a queen in heat. Have your cat spayed or neutered to avoid incessant meowing caused by a burning desire for romance.
  • They’re a senior cat. Older cats tend to become more vocal as they age due to a decline in cognitive function. They might meow for no apparent reason, but really it's because they’re disoriented or confused. Experts suggest using a nightlight to help older cats navigate their environment when it’s dark. A vet can also prescribe a medication to alleviate your senior cat’s anxiety and confusion.

As you can see, your cat’s meowing can mean different things depending on the circumstances. Listen and observe your cat when he is vocalizing to help you understand him a little better and enable you to address whatever issue might be causing the excessive meowing.